November 25, 2023

Customer diligence in debtor management; Monvy acquires VeriChecks

Martijn Roefs
CTO of Monvy
Hüseyin Yildiz
CEO of Monvy
Donny Beltgens
COO of Monvy

Monvy's acquisition of Verichecks is an important step forward in the fintech world. Monvy thereby strengthens its position by integrating Verichecks' powerful verification and compliance solutions. This partnership brings together Monvy's cash flow management tools with Verichecks' expertise in verifying data for businesses and individuals alike

Monvy's recent acquisition of Verichecks is a smart move in the world of fintech. With it, Monvy is strengthening its platform by integrating Verichecks' powerful verification and compliance solutions. As a result, Monvy can now even better ensure accurate data, especially for B2B verifications.

Verichecks is known for its efficient verification processes for companies and individuals. They offer a wide range of services, such as employee and supplier verification, business checks and detailed reports. Their process is designed to be easy to use and clear, with features such as easy adding of customers and customizable verification checks.

Monvy is an all-in-one platform for managing finances, invoicing and smart invoice tracking using artificial intelligence. They offer convenient features such as voice-activated assistants, automated invoice processing, expedited invoice payment and comprehensive tools for managing finances, quotes, performance and work processes.

The partnership between Monvy and Verichecks is a perfect match. Verichecks' expertise in verification and compliance fits seamlessly with Monvy's focus on efficient financial management and tracking of outstanding payments. This acquisition will enable Monvy to offer its users an enhanced and more secure service, especially in the areas of customer verification and compliance checks.

In short, the integration of Verichecks into the Monvy platform represents a major step forward in the fintech world. It allows Monvy to offer a more powerful, secure and comprehensive solution to users, ranging from small businesses to large enterprises, who want to improve their financial processes and be sure of compliance and reliability in their operations. This strategic move can position Monvy as an industry leader, with a unique range of services that perfectly fits the modern needs of businesses in an ever-changing financial landscape.


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