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Last updated: Nov 07, 2023

Rates for direct debit and legal processes.

At Monvy, we understand the importance of clear fees for our automated collection and legal assistance programs. We strive to keep our fees transparent and cost-effective, while providing high-quality services for following up on outstanding invoices and legal support. Here is an overview of our fees for collection and legal processes.
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At Monvy, we understand the importance of clear fees for our automated collection and legal assistance programs. We strive to keep our rates transparent and cost-effective, while providing high-quality services for following up on outstanding invoices and legal support. Here is an overview of our fees, with marginal costs decreasing by package:

Rates for Automated Collection Processes:

  • Free & Basic: €50 per collection process
  • Premium: €45 per collection process
  • Priority: €40 per collection process

Our automated collection processes allow you to follow up on outstanding invoices quickly and efficiently, regardless of the package you choose.

Rates for Legal Pathways:

  • Free & Basic: €350 per legal process
  • Premium: €300 per legal process
  • Priority: €250 per legal process

Our legal assistance programs provide comprehensive support for debt collection and dealing with legal issues. We understand that different businesses have different needs, which is why we offer various fee packages to fit your specific requirements.

Keep in mind that the more advanced package you choose, the lower the cost per track. At Monvy, we are committed to delivering value and efficiency to our users, regardless of the size of their business.

We are always ready to answer your questions and help you choose the right fee package that best suits your business needs. Feel free to contact us for more information or assistance in setting up your collection and legal assistance programs with Monvy.

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View all features of Monvy


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Offsetting invoices


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Getting paid faster with factoring


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Convert quotation to invoice
Accept quote online

Working Capital

In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Requesting working capital


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Convert quotation to invoice
Linking performance to invoices
Tracking invoices automatically
Fully automatic invoice tracking
Getting paid faster with factoring


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Personalized workflows
Requesting external credit report
An AI-driven credit score issued by Monvy


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Declare hours worked
Linking performance to invoices
Accept performance online
Link documents to your performance

Invoice Finance

In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Receive your invoice amount instantly, with invoice finance


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Submit leasing quotes using AI

AI Voice Assistant

In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Remind your debtors by phone using artificial intelligence.
Have the Monvy AI Assistant make payment arrangements over the phone
Automatic initiation of collection process
Overview of invoice tracking
Tracking invoices automatically


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Legal partner
Automatic initiation of collection process
Overview of invoice tracking
Have the Monvy AI Assistant make payment arrangements over the phone
Tracking invoices automatically


In addition to a quote, it is also possible to fill out an order form
Fully automatic invoice tracking
Automatic initiation of collection process
Remind your debtors by phone using artificial intelligence.
Have the Monvy AI Assistant make payment arrangements over the phone
Personalized workflows